Name: Bakuman
Genre: Comedy, High School, Drama
Summary: Moritaka Mashiro, a high school student, is an aspiring mangaka (a cartoonist, comic artist etc. ) and he had always been quite shy about it. One day he made a drawing of his crush. A schoolmate named Akito Takagi discovers his unique talent in drawing and tries to persuade him that they should make their own manga, where Takagi would write the story and Mashiro would use his talents.
Genre: Comedy, High School, Drama
Summary: Moritaka Mashiro, a high school student, is an aspiring mangaka (a cartoonist, comic artist etc. ) and he had always been quite shy about it. One day he made a drawing of his crush. A schoolmate named Akito Takagi discovers his unique talent in drawing and tries to persuade him that they should make their own manga, where Takagi would write the story and Mashiro would use his talents.