Anime Name: Naruto Shippude
Number of Episodes: On-going
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Mystery, Thriller, Comedy, Drama
Summary: Naruto Shippuden is the continuation of the anime phenomenon Naruto and the story starts off as Sasuke decides to split his path from his long time friends from Konoha. Here in Naruto Shippuden a lot of the mystery are brought to light and doors blown open. Enjoy the thrill ride.
Number of Episodes: On-going
Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, Action, Mystery, Thriller, Comedy, Drama
Summary: Naruto Shippuden is the continuation of the anime phenomenon Naruto and the story starts off as Sasuke decides to split his path from his long time friends from Konoha. Here in Naruto Shippuden a lot of the mystery are brought to light and doors blown open. Enjoy the thrill ride.